The President’s Message

Tony Mustaro

Dear Friends,

I was sorry to have missed the pasta dinner and the January meeting but I’ve been under the weather with this very nasty flu that has been making the rounds since before the holidays.  From everything I’ve heard everyone had a good meal, a good time and the food was great with plenty of seconds available.

I hope that you all enjoyed the great pasta dinner that our wonderful volunteers prepared for us last month.  Speaking of wonderful volunteers I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Jan Terribilini for the wonderful job she has done in heading up the task of purchasing and preparing our after meeting sandwich and cold cut trays for so many years.  Sadly at the last board meeting Jan informed me that she will no longer be able to continue with the great job that she and Jane Tripi have been doing.  She has advised me that we need to find another member or another two or three members to volunteer to assume these duties.

To put it simply if we wish to continue to have sandwiches available at the meetings we need to have volunteers to step forward continue with this work.  Having seen how quickly the food disappears at each meeting it’s very obvious that the end of meeting snacks are a very popular part of our monthly meeting.  We are now asking some of you to step forward and allow us to continue this tradition.  Please see me or one of the other officers or board members if you are willing to volunteer for this job, or go directly to Jan who will explain exactly what the job entails and you couldn’t have a better instructor.  We need to fill this position sooner rather than later if we are to continue serving snacks.

We are looking forward to another great meeting in February with more great accordion music this month.  Bart Beninco and Steve Balich have both agreed to play for us.  We also have another special musical treat coming up at the next meeting.  Phillip Parsons, one of our own scholarship students from a few years ago has returned to the area and he will be playing for us as well.  Phillip is a very accomplished accordionist and I am greatly looking forward to hearing him play for us again after a hiatus of so many years.

Next month, as you all know there will be no March meeting.  It will be replaced as always by our annual Spring Fling dinner dance.  We always have a great meal and a great time as the ACR welcomes the return of Spring, longer days and warmer weather.  Please remind your friends and neighbors that they are welcome to join us as we have some fun and say good-bye to Winter.  Registration forms are available again this month in the Reedwooder so please get your reservations in early so that we can prepare the correct amount of food and drink.  I look forward to seeing everyone there.

Tony Mustaro
Accordion Club of the Redwoods