The Presidents Message

Tony Mustaro

Dear Friends,

Hope that everyone had a great summer and are ready to move into the fall season and some rain to keep the flowers growing. Sorry to lose daylight savings time, but we still have a little longer before changing the clocks.

The big news this month is the arrival of two great bands direct from Germany. Our club, in United States tour of the Keiper Accordion Orchestra and Gesangvereinskapelle Rockenhausen. Each orchestra consists of thirty to thirty-two musicians and they will be performing for us right here at Hermann Sons Hall main auditorium. It has been a pleasure working with Manfred and Renate and their group. They are very positive, energetic, cooperative, and efficient, and very hard workers. We are fortunate to be affiliated with this lodge.

I will give you a bit of background on the two groups who will be playing here on October 17. The present conductor of the Keiper Accordion Orchestra is Jurgen Dorsch who has been the soloist Accordion Champion of Germany as well as receiving top rankings there as a duo player and ensemble conductor. Heiko Opp, the conductor of Gesangvereinskapelle Rockenhausen also received first prize as a soloist in national competition and was awarded first prize three times with his ensemble at the German Orchestra Competition. I think that we are in for a real treat this month, so if you haven’t gotten your tickets yet be sure to do so before they are all gone. Ticket sales are going very well and there are a limited number of seats available. There will also be German food and beer available at the event so don’t miss it. Remember, the last time these groups toured the US was in 1988.

We are hoping for a good representation from our club at the concert. Ticket prices go up to $10 after October 10, so reserve your tickets now. It’s an evening of great entertainment at either price.

I have learned that our own Keith Church will be playing through October 31, 2013 at Café Europe located in the Saint Francis shopping center on the corner of Highway 12 and Calistoga Road in Santa Rosa, so if you’d like to have a good meal and listen to Keith play accordion while you eat stop by for dinner and say hello.

Just as a head up we have a special guest performer already scheduled for February of next year. Joe Domitrowich will be performing his new show at our February meeting so mark your calendars and tell your friends.

Tony Mustaro

Accordion Club of the Redwoods