The Presidents Message

Tony Mustaro

Dear Friends,

This is a good time to talk a bit about some of the events and changes which are taking place in our club. The first big change is that founding member, board member, past president and current vice president of our club, Steve Balich will get to sit with his wife Jennie at this years annual Christmas dinner dance. After year after year of working in the kitchen to prepare our dinners before going on stage with his band to play for our dancing pleasure, Steve is finally hanging up his apron. So at our next dinner dance he will be able to sit with his family and enjoy a catered meal. We are now in the process of searching for a caterer to take over these kitchen duties and I promise that we’ll find a good one. One of the side effects of this change is that you must purchase your tickets in advance to be sure that you have a meal available. Don’t worry about the music though. Steve and his band will continue to provide us with the mix of dance music for which they are so well known.

Another change is something which I announced at our last meeting. After years of performing the arduous task of preparing the deli trays for our meeting sandwiches Jan Terribilini is no longer able to continue with this work. I have asked for volunteers to fill this position but as of this writing the response has been underwhelming, ie; negative. Art and Carola Clark filled in last month but that was a one time event. This month I have volunteered to prepare the trays. This will also be a one time event. If the member would like to see the tradition of sandwich snacks continue at our monthly meetings someone will have to volunteer to help do this work.

We are also planning to have a Saturday daytime meeting in July this year for those of you who would rather not come out at night. More on that in the future.

For those of you who have access to a computer or who have friends or relatives who are computer literate I invite you to go online and visit our website a Ron Slyh has designed a great website for our club and we can all be proud of it. There will be more content added as we go along including access to video and audio relating to the accordion. We will also welcome articles of interest to the accordion community for submission and publication on the website. Right now there is a great slide show of photos taken at our annual Spring Fling dinner dance.

I am looking forward to seeing more of our membership at the meetings as the weather improves. Please think about what you can do to make our club better. Every little act of assistance helps to move us forward.

Tony Mustaro
Accordion Club of the Redwoods